Thursday, January 20, 2011

To go horrorscoping or not?

To go horrorscoping or not?- That's the question I face every January. I have been (in phases) a horoscope addict. The Sunday Newspaper has been a very important part of my life. It is also true that by Wednesday I can barely remember my lucky colour, temperament advice and indicated misfortunes. Nevertheless I admit to making references in uncertain times.

Does it hurt less if you know you are going to fall?? Not really. Am I less frightened if I know the ghost is coming out of the mirror. Perhaps a little. At the end of the day its all the same. I will get angry even if it is going to result in an "uncomfortable situation at the work place." I know now that a "new and exciting person who will enter your life" can be a little niece and an "inheritance from a dear one" is my mom's old sari (no kohinoors here)!

Let 2011 be different. This year I may try to live without knowing ( by the end of this sentence I am tempted to open the yearly horoscope in another window. But i refrain. For now.)